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A new future - A new vision

The principle is to create a revolutionary learning method  around people sensitive to this collective effort of ecological transition by proposing solutions  innovative by limiting the impact on the environment, to build a new future for new generations.

By mobilizing the best of our will and digital technologies, we invent together solutions adapted to social-economic and environmental challenges to create a more resilient systemic model thanks to a more equitable economic model based on SCIC governance (cooperative society in collective interest ) on concrete projects , responding to the convictions of the entire Ecopôle de Pellicot.

Ecopole Var ( Puget-sur-Argens ) Ecopôle de Pellicot. Tiers-lieu basé sur une nouvelle façon de vivre et de travailler, le partage, la nature, l’autonomie et l'économie circulaire ( ecovillage ) à Puget-sur-Argens

We must control these sectors of activity by limiting the intermediaries in  relocating  our vital needs by developing low-tech micro-factories . We can then train our students in this ecosystem  virtuous by offering a wide range of learning.  


For this, we need to bring together human resources from all walks of life. The intention is to bring together people who want to build an environment by limiting the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG)  within the framework of the Ecopole to change lifestyle and consumption habits, in order to set up, together , a more responsible economy, less individualistic and geared towards new values.

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The idea is to allow the protagonists to realize projects by collaborating through a collective space to develop:

Ecopole Var ( Puget-sur-Argens ) Ecopôle de Pellicot. Tiers-lieu basé sur une nouvelle façon de vivre et de travailler, le partage, la nature, l’autonomie et l'économie circulaire ( ecovillage ) à Puget-sur-Argens
Ecopole Var ( Puget-sur-Argens ) Ecopôle de Pellicot. Tiers-lieu basé sur une nouvelle façon de vivre et de travailler, le partage, la nature, l’autonomie et l'économie circulaire ( ecovillage ) à Puget-sur-Argens

We will train and/or support people likely to promote a project or an idea that meets the convictions of the Ecopôle. 

We will be able to deploy the material and human resources to offer an offer

" Zero  environmental impact  ". 

The Ecopôle will be a benchmark for incubation in a circular economy .


Join the team

Ultimately, the principle is to collaborate with other Ecopôles or similar structures that wish to promote French production and promote this type of virtuous development in different sectors.


The Ecopôle needs you!

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